Some services offered are listed below. willow tree counseling is always growing and evolving. Please reach out if what you’re looking for isn’t specifically listed.


Together we will explore and understand your identities while developing self compassion. We can explore your gender identity, sexual orientation, and even your relationship orientation. We all know that the communities we live in greatly impact our safety and our freedom in this world as queer people. This may be especially true if you are in a more rural location. I’m here to help you find and create pockets of safety, so you can find more moments of joy.

trauma & Ptsd

Trauma has a huge impact on our lives. Historically, it was only thought that veterans who fought in combat could experience PTSD. It has since become known that trauma and PTSD can occur whenever someone is living through incredibly straining circumstances. Two people can come away from the same event with different experiences. Trauma can become stored in the body and has been linked to things like chronic pain. Processing traumatic memories can be important in not only your day to day functioning, but it can help you connect with your body in a more holistic and healing way.


There have been many life changing things to come out of the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic. During times of isolation a lot of people connected through social media, began to self reflect and understand themselves on a different level. It’s not only been my personal experience, been I’ve seen many folx understand, or suspect, that they are Neurodivergent. While helpful long term, this information can initially be overwhelming.

It can be really beneficial to understand more about how your neurodivergence affects your life. Whether it’s work, relationships, executive function, or something seemingly simple as coming up with words, your brain’s neurotransmitters work differently and working with that rather than against can be very fruitful.

(ADHD diagnosis and coaching available.)

Individual Therapy & Diverse Relationship structures

Willow Tree Counseling is primarily offering individual therapy, which is also known as a one-on-one session (one person + the therapist).

I’m also here to help you navigate your relationships (two or more people + the therapist). Diverse relationship structures include, but are not limited to, those that are in the Polyamorous Community (Polyam), those that are in Ethically Non-Monagamous (ENM) relationships, and Relationship Anarchists (RA). Relationship dynamics can be tricky to navigate, and communication is especially important with multiple people involved.


It is very human to want to connect with something “bigger than us.” Throughout history, humanity has found many different ways to worship, honor, and respect the interconnectedness that is. Beliefs, rituals, and traditions can help us make sense of the world and help us to find our sense of purpose.

Whether you’re in a “spiritual awakening,” or needing support from religious trauma, Willow Tree Counseling holds space to explore, understand, and create meaning through your lived experiences.

Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

Emotional Support Animals provide a vital source of connection in our lives. The human-animal bond can be very healing, especially if you’ve experienced any kind of trauma. Our furry friends are often in tune with our emotional needs.

ESA’s are different than Service Animals, yet still provide a vital role. If you need help with an ESA letter, Willow Tree Counseling can provide that service.


Ecotherapy is a reciprocal healing process between humanity and the natural world. Together we will partner with nature to create connection, meaning, and healing within your life.

These sessions can be done virtually, but it is ideal to do them in person out in nature. Nothing extreme will be done, and we will discuss the parameters of what this will look like - safety first! You will need to be able to get yourself to and from our agreed upon location, dress appropriately for the weather and activity, and bring anything you may need such as water, snacks, sunscreen and any medications you may need (such as an inhaler or epi-pen).

WorkPlace consultations

Office work culture is key for your company to run smoothly and be successful. If you’re experiencing high turnover, disgruntled employees, workplace conflicts, or would like to build a better, more connected work environment, a consultation is a great way to start to invest in your employees’ mental health.


What is the difference between therapy and counseling?

Historically, the professions had different origins. The important thing for you to know as a consumer is that the verbiage can be very interchangeable and you will see both counseling and therapy used here. If you want to know more, I’m more than happy to discuss during the consultation.

Can you give me a diagnosis?

Yes. However, some diagnoses may require a referral to another provider. This will be discussed within the first three sessions.

is counseling right for me?

Chances are if you are on this (or any similar) site, the answer is yes! Everyone can benefit from counseling no matter where you are in your life. The length of counseling varies the most depending on what your therapeutic goals are.

Do you take insurance?

Not at this time. However, I am able to write a “superbill” that you can submit to your insurance provider. All payments are due at the time of session. Please see “Prices & Policies” for more in depth information.